Creating activities around a child's favorite book is a great way to keep them engaged in reading. Crafts and Books are a natural pairing. As a continuing series I will be sharing Book and Craft combos that are easy to recreate with your favorite young reader. Are you ready for the first installment?
The Lady with the Alligator Purse by Nadine Bernard Westcott is a silly easy read book that is sure to become a favorite. Teamed with an A for Alligator. Go ahead, dig out those scissors, Elmer's glue and buy a new pack of construction paper. Get ready for a few giggles and a few sticky fingers!
Hey! I found your blog through a comment that you left on mine!
I love reading and my son loves being read to! It's a win-win! Have a great weekend!
Hi Cristi, Yes I remember stopping by your blog. I will go back to make sure I add myself to your followers list. I hope you will add yourself to mine too. Reading is one of those perfect things, whether you read alone or with someone else its always an adventure!