Sick Day vlog / March Meal Plan / Grocery Haul

My Sick Day Vlog video will be up on Friday morning
My Sick Day Vlog video will be live on Friday morning but I wanted to make available immediately the March Meal Plan Calendar!  One of the tasks I never look forward to each week is meal planning.  Sometimes it can be so hard to come up with something new to make for dinner!  Some weeks it feels as if we are eating the very same meals we ate the week before.  

i have put together a month of meals for March that is available as a free download to help you with your meal planning.  There is a dinner listed everyday in the month of March with some leftover days included.  I have also included some meatless meals throughout the month as well.  

You can down load your copy of the March Meal Plan HERE  Let me know in the comments below if this was a helpful tool for your own meal planning.  I would love to include a meal plan each month and feature some of the recipes in upcoming videos!

Thank you so much for visiting and please SUBSCRIBE, I would love to have you all back as part of our Bashful community!

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Spring Tour / What I Did With My Haul

I have been dealing with a serious case of spring fever!  Today I am sharing some of the ways I have brought spring into my home.  Last week or so I shared a haul of some spring decor items that I found at Kirkland's and Hobby Lobby.  In the video below I share what I did with all those things I bought, how I arranged them and where I put them.  I usually buy decor items with a specific intention in mind, it's fun to see where things actually end up when all is said and done!  

I also share this beautiful addition to my living room.  This is my grandma's 1910 Minnesota A sewing machine.  I received it some years ago and have been keeping it in my basement thinking about what I wanted to do with it.  I had thought about painting it but I can't bring myself to touch it!  My very first memories of my grandma are of her sitting sewing at this machine, I have loved it ever since.  My parents had saved it for me when my grandma passed away and now it is here with me.  We believe it was originally owned by my great grandmother and passed on to my grandma.  Inside the drawers are notes and old zippers and spools used by my grandma over 40 years ago.  These things are truly treasures to me.

If any of you have an old sewing machine like mine, please leave me a comment down below and let me know what you have done with it, where you have it in your home and how you preserve it.  Thank you so much for taking some time to visit with me today.  To subscribe to my YouTube channel go HERE.

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Big News!

Well, if you are already here then you know my big news!  The big news is that I had my blog redesigned and it looks beautiful!  I have had a blog for the last few years and since beginning my YouTube channel my poor blog had been very neglected.  One of my goals for 2018 was to combine YouTube and Blogging.  The blog will be an accompaniment to my YouTube channel and where more information on projects, recipes or products mentioned in videos can be found.  I also hope to offer free printables as we enter into spring.  So if this is your first time here Welcome and I hope you will continue to follow along!

In this Vlog video below, I share a great recipe for breakfast oatmeal, an outfit of the day and my Valentine's tablescape!  Valentine's Day is such a fun holiday to celebrate both with my little ones in my classroom and my loves at home.  


Thank you all for visiting today and please take a moment to leave a comment down below and let me know how you  celebrated Valentine's Day this year!  You may Subscribe to my YouTube channel HERE

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Spring Decor Haul

For the last year I have been concentrating on lighting up the colors in my home.  I have been adding more white and ivory pieces where I can, replacing darker furniture with something brighter and chalk painting some furniture items that are too dark for my spaces. 

 I am currently working in my living room and dining room. Moving somethings around and adding some new pieces.  I don't think I can ever completely give up my reds and deeper greens and browns but adding some more whites and ivory will brighten these rooms up and give them a more refreshed look.  The spring always gets me motivated to make changes through out my home.  Painting a room and buying new furniture always seems to happen in the spring time.  

So what I thought I would do is share with you all the new decor items I found at Kirkland's and Hobby Lobby then in about a week do another video to show what I actually did with all this stuff!  I love seeing everyone's hauls but I often wonder if they really use everything they bought how they intended.  

To see my full haul watch the video below.  If you would like to see more videos please subscribe to my YouTube channel HERE.


Thank you so much for visiting and please leave me a comment below, I would love to know what time of year you redecorate your home, is it in the spring like me or is it at another time of year!

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5 Habits of Keeping A Clean Home

When I was a young mom I use to think there was a big secret to keeping a home cleaned and organized, a secret I just didn't know yet.  It took me some time to realize that there really isn't some type of secret formula to keeping a house clean it's really just creating habits for yourself that when they are done everyday creates a routine that keeps your home picked up and clean.  I think routines are essential for so many aspects of our lives but especially for our homes.  It is so important to create an atmosphere that is calm and as stress free as possible. I think the key is allowing ourselves enough time to get these jobs done throughout our day.  Even if completing one job is the only thing completed all day, it is an accomplishment that puts you ahead instead of running behind. I have created these habits for myself to help keep my home clean and organized!

     1. Make the beds everyday.  This job takes maybe 3 minutes to complete but it is the job that once completed, sets the stage for success for the rest of the day.
     2.  Wipe down the bathrooms.  Most days is just wiping toothpaste off the mirror, swishing the toilet, putting out a clean hand towel and clearing off the counter tops.  The bathroom is ready for the family at the end of the day and should an unexpected guest pops in for a visit, the bathroom is fresh and clean.
     3.  Wash the dishes everyday.  Never put off doing the dishes until later or the next morning.  If you have time, wipe off the counter tops now and put everything away.
     4.  Take out your trash and recyclables.  This is really very simple, if the trash is full, take it out.  Empty the trash cans in the bathrooms and bedrooms in your home.  Don't let the recyclables pile up on the counter, put them in the recycle bin through out the day.  Not only will this keep you kitchen clean but it will help it smell clean too.
     5.  Do a load of laundry everyday.  Don't let the laundry pile up so everyone runs out of clothes.  The more you can keep up with the laundry the less clothes and towels the family will need which will help keep your home neat and organized

These are the 5 habits that I have created for myself to do everyday.  Most days these are completed easily and some days I am happy to have made my bed!  Check out the video for more info!

Leave me a comment below and let me know those jobs you do everyday!  Thank you for visiting and please SUBSCRIBE to  my YouTube channel HERE to be sure not to miss a single video!

I am linking with these wonderful blogs this week:  Home Matters Link Party  Link It Up Wednesday  Home Organization Link UP  Wow Me Wednesday  Hearth & Soul Link Party  Totally Terrific Tuesday  Tutorials & Tips Link Party  Talk of the town Link up  Happy Now Blog Link

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Clean With Me / Morning Clean Routine

Most days begin the same way in our house.  My husband is the first one out the door, I get up, dress for the day and begin my daily morning clean routine!  My routine begins with the most important task of the day; making our bed.  This chore takes maybe 3 minutes to complete but it helps set the stage for a successful day! 

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Clean With Me 10 Day Challenge The Laundry Room

In today's Clean with me challenge, we are cleaning the laundry room!  Our laundry room is a hard working space so each month I like to tive it a good cleaning from top to bottom. I clean out the cupboards and get everything organized!  I hope you all will join in on our Clean With Me Challenge!  For more details see the video below!

 Don't forget to say hello in the comments below and visit me on YouTube at My Bashful Life!
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Grocery Haul and Cook With ME!

My favorite kinds of days are those where I find myself at home for the day with no plans and I can spend some time in the kitchen cooking a family favorite.  Although we have been eating healthy this month I think it may be time to cheat a little bit and make one our favorite meal, stuffed shells with sausage and pepper tomato sauce!.  This is a wonderful recipe fill with flavor and maybe just a few extra calories!  

Sausage and Pepper Tomato Sauce ************************************** 1lb bulk Italian bulk sausage hot or sweet a quarter of an onion chopped half of a red pepper chopped half of a green pepper chopped 1/3 of a zucchini chopped 3-4 cloves of garlic chopped 1/4 cup wine 1 28oz can of tomato sauce 1 28 0z can of tomato puree 2 tablespoons sugar 1/2 tsp basil, salt, oregano, tsp garlic powder, Mrs Dash 1/2 cup grated Romano cheese Brown sausage in a large frying pan over med heat. Add chopped veggies when sausage is about half way browned. Cook until sausage is done, veggies are soft. Add wine, cook for a few minutes until alcohol is cooked off. Add cans of tomato puree and tomato sauce, mix. Add remaining ingredients bring to a boil and simmer on low for 30 minutes. This sauce can be used for many different dishes and also as a pizza sauce. Enjoy!

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